Students at the Lord Baden Powell Memorial School in Dar es Salaam earn certificates from the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Africa Goodwill Tour.
A special graduation June 13th at the Lord Baden Powell
Memorial School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, acknowledged students who
completed Disaster Response Specialist Training through the Scientology
Volunteer Ministers Africa Goodwill Tour.
The training, which included basic organizational and
communication skills, was delivered by a team of Volunteer Ministers
from South Africa who bring their mobile training center to countries
throughout Africa. Training also covered basic Scientology Assists—technology developed by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard that address the spiritual and emotional factors in stress and trauma.
School director Col. Kipingu Iddi Omari opened the ceremony and
the students who completed the program received certificates and
Volunteer Minister ID Cards identifying them as disaster response
Singer Grace Paul sang an original Swahili song based on the motto
of the Volunteer Ministers, with Lord Baden Powell students joining in
the chorus: “No matter the situation, something can be done about it.”
Volunteer Minister Goodwill Tour Leader Carl von Pfeil urged the
students to use what they have learned to accomplish their goals: “You
have learned simple truths: you can make yourself heard, you can learn
anything, you can organize to accomplish what you set out to achieve.
You can do something about it.”
News about the Scientology Volunteer Minister at Blog.VolunteerMinisters.Org!